Biblioteka Fachowa z Czytelnią

W związku z remontem Domu Przyrodników, Biblioteka Fachowa z Czytelnią jest nieczynna.


Jest czym się chwalić!

Our Library has around 18,000 books and over 11,000 archaeological and historical journals, both Polish and international (mainly German, Scandinavian, Czech and Slovak).

Using the Library

The Library’s collections can only be used in in the reading room or borrowed as inter-library loans.

Library opening times

W związku z remontem Domu Przyrodników biblioteka jest nieczynna.


Biblioteka Fachowa z Czytelnią
Joanna Ossowska
tel. +48 58 322 21 13

Library regulations

1. Books may only be borrowed by employees of Gdańsk Archaeological Museum and individuals who work with the Museum, or as inter-library loans.
2. All other users may only consult the Library’s collections in the Reading Room. The Reading Room is open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., though Gdańsk Archaeological Museum reserves the right to change these opening times. Library materials may not be removed from the Reading Room.
3. Silence is to be observed in the Library. Eating, smoking, and the taking of intoxicants is forbidden.
4. At the request of the Head Librarian, a Museum employee or co-operating partner should return a borrowed item within three days.
5. Museum employees who borrow publications from the Library are fully responsible for them.
6. If a publication is lost, damaged or destroyed, the Library, in consultation with the Museum Director, reserves the right to:

1) demand the repair of the damaged item;
2) demand the replacement of the lost or damaged publication or the purchase of a different publication of no higher value than the lost item, as estimated by the Library;
3) demand payment of the replacement cost, as estimated by the Library, of the lost or damaged item.

7. If the Library does not have a particular publication, the reader may request that it be ordered from another library as an inter-library loan. The reader is financially responsible for the item borrowed from another library. The return date is determined by the library that owns the given item.
8. In the event of termination of employment or termination of cooperation with a collaborating partner, the individual concerned must return the books they have borrowed within two working days of the date when their employment/cooperation is terminated.



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