Corina Marti – renesansowy koncert w Piwnicy Romańskiej

Corina Marti zdjecie

Średniowieczne wnętrze Piwnicy Romańskiej wypełni renesansowa muzyka. Z kameralnym koncertem wystąpi Corina Marti – światowej sławy wirtuozka klawesynu.

Koncert odbędzie się w zabytkowych podziemiach, które w XIII wieku służyły za pomieszczenia klasztorne, a współcześnie funkcjonują jako oddział Muzeum Archeologicznego w Gdańsku.

22 kwietnia 2022 r. o godzinie 18:00

Piwnica Romańska, pl. Dominikański 1, Gdańsk

liczba miejsc dla publiczności: 50

wstęp bezpłatny


Johannes de Lublin Tablature:

[Preambulum in g] (161r)
Surrexit Dominus valete luctus (70v)
[Passamezzo antico] / Proporcia Jeszcze Marczynye (188v/189r)
[Deus qui sedes super thronum] (after Johann Walter) (204r)

Ein gutter polnischer danncz (Tabulatura Löffelhotza, 1585)
Polnischer Tantz (Tabulatura z Zwickau, end 16th century)

Johannes de Lublin Tablature:

[Preambulum] in e (19v)
Absolon [= Rex autem David] (after Antonio de Ribera) (253v)
Poznanie (112r)
Francigenum [= Le content est riche] (after Claudin de Sermisy) (28r)
[D’ung desplaisir] (after Jacotin Le Bel) (28v)
Preambulum in d (233r)
Plus mille regres [= Plus nulz regretz] (after Josquin des Prez) (254v)

Alia Toni Tertii Phantasia (Gdansk 1600)
Polnischer Nach Tanz – Aria Polonica – Tuniec

Johannes de Lublin Tablature:

Preambulum in d (N[icolaus] C[racoviensis]) (160v)
Bona [corea?] (218v)
Preambulum in c (18v)
Sicut lilium inter spinas (after Antoine Brumel) (97v)

Organizatorami wydarzenia są: Akademia Muzyczna im. Stanisława Moniuszki w Gdańsku oraz Muzeum Archeologiczne w Gdańsku.

Zdjęcie przedstawia zabytkową piwnicę z filarami i łukowatymi sklepieniami w stylu romańskim i gotyckim.
Piwnica Romanska

The world-renowned recorder and harpsichord virtuoso, Corina Marti, is recognized internationally for her “strikingly superior and expressive” interpretations (Toccata), and “infallible” performances (Diapason).

She leads an active life, performing as a soloist and chamber musician throughout Europe, both North and South America, the Middle East and Asia. She has appeared with numerous early music ensembles and orchestras (including Hespèrion XXI, Coro della Radiotelevisione Svizzera Italiana, Kore and the Helsinki Baroque Orchestra), and is co-director and founding member of La Morra, an award-winning late medieval and early renaissance music ensemble which “never fails to keep the listener’s attention alive” (Gramophone).

Her extensive discography, ranging from fourteenth-century istanpitte and intabulations to solo concertos and chamber music of the high baroque and contemporary music reflects the breadth of her musical interests and technical skills.

She is a leading pioneer in the development of late medieval and early renaissance keyboard instruments, working with makers on creating reconstructions and and spending many hours in libraries researching repertoire. This work has contributed substantially to the present-day revival of these instruments.

2019 Corina receives the medal of the City of Lublin, in recognition of the outstanding artistic activity and the merits for the dissemination of Polish culture and publicity of the city of Lublin in Poland and abroad.

Immediately after studying she was invited to become the first teacher of medieval recorder at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis in Basel and a few years later she went on to build up a class for medieval keyboard instruments, teaching organetto, clavisimbalum, clavicytherium and renaissance harpsichord. She enjoys spreading her knowledge, experience and enthusiasm to the next generation of players, both through her teaching at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis and also at master classes and music courses throughout the world.

In 2021 her new solo CD: KeyNotes was released (Ramée) more news on



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